Translation Memories allows you to consult Linguee, Reverso Context, TradooIt, Taus Search, Glosbe, MyMemory, Termacor, Keybot and Microsoft's Language Portal.
Serendipity is one of a set of tools (Serendipity proper, Serendipitous OneSearch, Serendipitous Google Search & Stochastics) meant to assist in the research of (mainly, but not necessarily, nor exclusively) foreign terms on the Internet via Google. It is of particular interest to translators in that it aims, successfully, in many cases, at restricting the results of queries to the entries of dictionaries and similar wordbooks. The English module, for instance, can be used to search for English equivalents of foreign terms (French, Italian, Portuguese, &c.), but also, as the case may be, English synonyms of English words or their definition. The same goes for the French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese modules, mutatis mutandis. Glossaries 1 & 2 give different results (1 is normally better). Glossary 3 is somewhat unpredictable, for lack of a better option.
Search and MetaSearch Engines gives access to an array of these, on the assumption that one might sometimes like to give something other than Google a try, just for the heck of it...
DataBases and Dictionaries points to databases relating for the most part to the various fields of activity of United Nations agencies, but also to those of the European Union (IATE), Term-minator, the Terminology Base of the International Council of French Language, TermSciences, the International Electrotechnical Commission, Canadian Sources of Terminology, FranceTerme and a selection of dictionaries collected in the Portail lexical du français, including the Trésor de la langue française and two synonym dictionaries, one of which is bilingual (English-Fench and vice-versa), as well as the Littré, the Grand dictionnaire terminologique (the latter bilingual also), "Le Dictionnaire", "Les Dictionnaires", LookWAYup, an English and multilingual translation dictionary, &c.
The PolyDictionary allows a user to look up a word in any language using Latin script and search for its translation into English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish.
As its name implies, HyperMetadict is a compilation of dictionary directories.
Spelling and Grammar refer and defer to various online linguistic authorities.
Cheat sheets links to quite a few online machine translators.
Conversions relates to "weights and measures", the date and time in various parts of the world, exchange rates and culinary works.
Canadian Sources of Terminology points to a number of bilingual (French/English) or multilingual bulletins, glossaries, lexicons and wordbooks archived and generously provided to seekers of all stripes by the Translation Bureau of the Canadian Governement.
Other Tools leads to a number of sources, diverse in nature as well as in concept, including several "metaferrets", instructions for search engine users, und so weiter.
Grab Bagis a compendium of various unilingual, bilingual and multilingual terminology tools, i.e. dictionaries, metadictionaries, glossaries, lexicons and miscellaneous wordbooks.
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